06 Jun
Inspiring quotes (English)

Hi guys !

In this article I want to collect some of my favorite quotes for you and also for me to reread them.

I think those are really inspiring and that you can probably identify with them. Let's get started ! :) 

There are so many times you just overthink a situation and worry well too much, so enjoy the feeling after you did it. Cause once it's done, it's done !

I see myself getting into situations or being in places I don't even like and I just feel bad. So we should all do more things that we actually like and go to places we feel alive and are happy.

YOU deserve a man that loves you so much, that his heart is almost bursting from love ! Know your worth and don't accept any man that doesn't like and treat you right.

Sometimes we just lay in our bed and hate ourselves, the world and everything else. But what we have to keep in mind, is that better things are coming and that life is not always sunshine. It's getting better !

There are times I think, why are others so much more openhearted, talkative and happier than I am? Why am I such an introverted person, that overthinks everything ? We need to remind us that everyone is different and that we are all precious and beautiful in our own way.

People always try to be perfect, better, stronger, thinner but forget what they have already achieved. Give yourself credit for what you become and achieved and don't put too much pressure on you. Life is just about moments, feelings and happiness, okay ?

Basically the most important thing in the world. Although you might be tired of hearing this : love yourself anyway. <3

Sooo true ! People criticize you because they think they know you, but always remember they don't know anything about you.

That was it ! I hope you liked it and found it inspiring. Thank you so much for reading and have a nice day !

Xoxo, Célia

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